Thursday, December 13, 2007

More drowned food

NOTE: THE PHOTO LINKED HERE HAS BEEN CHANGED BY THE BLOGGER. Wimp. Your nachos are still ugly--even if they're not drowning in sour cream.

This one does, in fact, use fat free sour cream, but man that's a shitload of sour cream.

The recipe says "fat free sour cream (to taste)." However I think it should say "fat free sour cream (enough so you can't taste anything else)".


In the kitchen with Lloyd Carr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
In the kitchen with Lloyd Carr said...

Ugly Nachos… Are you as stupid as you sound? What kind of a worthless piece of crap are you. Those Nachos look like any other Nachos I have ever seen…. They are friggen Nachos, not the remake of the Mona Lisa…. Jackass!

First of all your post said a shitload of sour cream…. How do you know what is considered a shitload of sour cream on nachos… the only thing I think you know is that you are a shitload of a worthless existence…..

I found this site though another blogger, and had to see for myself what kind of a person would be that stupid to go to the time to create this blog….. Unreal!!!!!

I got a better idea… instead of keeping up with this blog site, get out of your parent's basement, put down the "government assistance" check and go get a job….

Lazy bitch!

uglyfood said...


This is definitely the most creative comment yet. I love riling feathers.

I bet you spent a lot more time composing..... your comment............than I spend writing one..... of these blog entries.

In the kitchen with Lloyd Carr said...

Gotta go....but I think I have a new friend...... I will be watching your comments from time to time and keep at you and your stupid comments....

Talk to you soon....

uglyfood said...

Hey Purple Sac. I like how you deleted your comment and reposted it under a different name so I'd think that someone else was speaking up for your sour cream addiction.

I have your original one in my email:

sac-master to uglyfoodphotos

show details 8:50 AM (4 minutes ago)


sac-master has left a new comment on your post "More drowned food":

Ugly Nachos… Are you as stupid as you sound? What kind of a worthless piece of crap are you. Those Nachos look like any other Nachos I have ever seen…. They are friggen Nachos, not the remake of the Mona Lisa…. Jackass!....................

In the kitchen with Lloyd Carr said...


We are all friends on this blog site. I am the "Sac Master" because in college I played middle linebacker for the University of Michigan…. And used to kill people on the football field…. That was before I retired from Ford Motor Company.

I decided to change my name, because I realize that my "Sac Master" login was similar to a friend of mine. Which I would figure that you would take as her making the comments……

I have never backed down from a fight….. And now, you are one of my favorites to keep my mind occupied in retirement……

Mrs. Sac, I have always loved your food, and will continue to use your recipes.

Don’t let this talent-less garbage stop you from doing your thing.